
Worst Trends of the 90s - YUCK

80's fashion revival has monopolized the style world for a few years now. Things we vowed we'd never see again--Ray-Bans, neon, leggings--are suddenly de rigeur on the runways and on the streets. Need proof? Raise your hand if you're wearing a pair of skinny jeans right now.

Since fashion is cyclical and tends to repeat itself every 20 years, the next hot decade is destined to be those Nirvana-blasting, "Friends"-watching 1990's. But while some 90's styles are timelessly chic (Kurt Cobain immortalized flannel), here are some fashion fads that should stay locked in their rooms watching 90210 where they belong.

1. Crop tops

(pictured above)

This picture could be used to illustrate a multitude of things that were wrong with the 90's, but let's focus on the bared Spice midriffs. Britney's granite-hard abs and the popularity of belly button rings convinced us all that shirt lengths should be abbreviated and our navels accentuated. While bared midriffs looked cute on personal trainers and Christina Aguilera, this trend ended up being more than most people could stomach.

2. Pacifiers

In the early to mid-90's, it was inexplicably cool to wear pacifiers as accessories. Starting with the rave scene and then trickling into homeroom, the pacifier craze pervaded as women paired these toddler trademarks with babydoll dresses and called it a super-chic day. But looking back, there's only one thing to say about this trend: it sucked.

3. Skater style

Baggy pants, Vans sneakers, Stussy shirts. Cool 90's kids dressed like they were ready to board; actual skateboarding abilities not required. An outgrowth of grunge, skaterwear took sloppy to new lows as rocker kids sported hoodies and apparently Raged Against the Belt. Fashionable or not, no one wants to see your underwear. Ever.

4. Hair with a million things in it

If you went to prom in 1997 and your updo wasn't bedazzled with a thousand butterfly clips, you were probably the one skulking solo on the sidelines when "End of the Road" came on. Be it tiny braids, stick-on gems or cascades of crimping, hot 90's hair was all about embellishment and excess. Let's jettison the crazy-hair craze and toss out "The Rachel" with it.

5. Goth makeup

In 1997, Marilyn Manson terrified your mom and united sullen teenagers everywhere around Doc Martens, pasty white skin and self-indulgent rebellion against their suburban lifestyles. The Goth look took off, and suddenly everyone had rings in their eyebrows and people like Gwyneth Paltrow were turning up at award shows with vampy lips.

You can leave those chokers stashed in the back of the jewelry box, because hopefully Goth has gone the way of Manson's desperate-for-attention shock rock.

Is there anything I missed? Which of these trends is the worst? Which wouldn't you mind seeing revived?

What is a song that you can really relate to right now?

What is a song that you can really relate to right now?

At the risk of being disgustingly cliched, teenager-esque, and lovesick, I'm going to have to pick Behind These Hazel Eyes by Kelly Clarkson.

I'm kind of in an unfamiliar place right now, having worked really hard to get myself into a position where I could open up and let someone in, where I could be close to someone, and where I could be physical with someone, so being in a position now where I'm watching it slowly but surely fade into the distance no matter what I try to do to stop it.

It's funny, because I hear myself talk about it, and I realize how stupid I sound. I feel like everyone is laughing at me for being so hung up on this guy, and I am ashamed that I pull the horrific teen excuse of "You just don't understand." But really, it was a rather atypical situation. That doesn't make it hurt any less. It doesn't make me stop wanting to tear my hair off my head in frustration, and it doesn't make me stop crying into my pillow at night. I keep it together in front of him, and in front of everyone I know almost all the time. I'm still clinging to some hope that I can fix things.

But I opened up, I let someone in, and now I'm trying to pick up all the pieces.

Feel free to use this question as a post topic if you are running short on content. OR tell me what song you really relate to in a comment!


BAM! And She's Back

Um this bitch is back.

This bitch doesn't want to talk about her business trip as she just got home and needs to just eat American Fast Food and drive in a big FAT SUV that guzzles gas.

Hope no one takes offense to my ignorance.


4 Weeks in Europe

Hey everybody!!

Sorry to be so M.I.A. but I was just "dubbed" project leader in my department at work and I will be spending 4 weeks in Europe! I am so excited and leaving on Sunday morning so I have LOTS of packing to do....

I will miss you and try and keep you updated - but I am going on an unofficial hiatus.

My workload is going to be out of this world so I hope I will be able to post something.

Europe here I come!!!!


Add My Friends: Champagne & Wings

Soooooo.... I convinced some friends to join blogspot, and their blogs are pathetic with a few posts and zero followers. I'm letting you know NOW that they are funny bitches and so here they are!! Love them squeeze them.

I convinced my friend Emily to sign up and she hasn't started one yet (hopefully tonight) but her cousin C-BABY that I never see except for family parties/graduations and so forth has created one and we used to be friends on MySpace - so add her! They both have been offline for a while, so I'm sure there is tons to talk bout!


Sexy Cigarettes

Smoking has certainly been long associated as a sexy activity, first populated by old Hollywood screen sirens and flashy cigarette advertisements. Growing up smoking was always presented to me as a harmful and cancer inducing activity, something to absolutely avoid.

Spending a lot of my weekend in Manhattan, I've found that smoking is considered a sexy, if not hip activity among young circles. As a social smoker myself, I am certain that I have been somewhat influenced by the local culture and those smoking around me.

Is this a terrible realization, or simply an understanding and acceptance of young culture? I like having the occasional cigarette, so I wonder if it is something to contemplate or simply to enjoy.

Have you found that smoking is sexy in your neighborhood? Do you feel that we need to re-debunk the myths and harms of nicotine? Or perhaps, like myself, you enjoy a cigarette from time to time and feel that it is nothing to be ashamed of? Please share your thoughts.


Product Review: The Diva Cup

So, a few days ago I discovered the Diva Cup, ordered it online, and recieved it right before my first period. I tried it out and here are my findings, I guess you could say this post is a little GRAPHIC, but I have had a vagina for 25 years, I will continue to have one, and quite frankly I am no afraid to talk about it. So LEARN! (Silly squeamish girls)

I’m serious about that… boys, you may want to bow out now. I’m going to be talking about periods, tampons, pads, and girly crap like that. So if you’re going to bitch and moan about it, then leave.

Well, honestly after I wrapped my brain around the fact that it’s actually not disgusting, that doesn’t sound too bad at all, now does it? Try not to jump to conclusions. It took me a good 24 hours of tossing this one around in my head to get myself to the point where I would even consider buying one. By the way, they cost about $35, which sounds pricey, but imagine never having to go out at midnight for supplies ever again? Maybe it’s worth considering…

I started researching it more and more. I googled things like “I hate the Diva Cup” and “Diva Cup sucks” because when I am researching a product, I like to know why people hated it. I checked out all the reviews on, and anywhere else I could think of, because I rarely trust the testimonials written on the company website. I have to be honest; I have had a very hard time finding people who didn’t like it. On top of that, the majority of the reviews I’ve read have said things like “this is the best product I’ve ever bought” or “I can’t believe I waited so long” or my favorite “I hardly notice I have a period anymore.” What the? I read lots of product reviews, and of all of them, the Diva Cup is probably getting the highest scores from its users.
So here are the results:

• It’s eco-friendly
• It’s cost effective (since 1 cup lasts up to 10 years, and you don’t need any other supplies during that time)
• It’s hypoallergenic and made of medical-grade silicone (the kind that’s used for heart valves, not boobs)
• You don’t have to change it as often as a tampon or a pad because it holds 1 oz and most women only bleed 2-3 oz the whole time
• You can’t feel it
• You can wear it swimming, running, doing yoga, kickboxing, or pretty much anything
• It’s entirely leak proof once you get it in right; no more messy strings, or ruined clothes/panties
• You can’t get toxic shock syndrome from it
• It doesn’t dry you out like a tampon does, because it doesn’t absorb all of your natural moisture. (Ew)
• It doesn’t get that disgusting “period” smell, and don’t lie, you all know what I’m talking about.

The main downfall to this thing is that you have to insert it correctly which involves putting your fingers into your vagina (some women are uncomfortable with this) and that it can be slightly tricky to install properly and then it does leak. It involves some kind of suction and you have to twist it once you get it in place, I think, and this might be what causes the problem for some women.

If you freak out easily, do not buy this product. There is no applicator, however it is completely comfortable once safely secure. So if you can’t deal with the insertion process, then stay away. But – I have to tell you with a busy schedule, the Diva Cup is great.

Razor Burn Out

So I have a confession to make. I am a long term sufferer of razor burn, I shower daily, try and exfoliate and moisturize regularly and still - bumps and ingrown hairs everywhere!

Yuck! Does anyone have any advice?


- the shaving products you use (I'll go pick it up and give my review)

- personal recommendations (wax/nair/razor?)

- secret tips?

- key ingredients?


I want sexy, shiny, smooth, bump free legs! Help a girl out!

Any response is fabulous, I need to solve this little beauty dilemna, so I'll post all of my findings and write a super post! Who wears short shorts? Not Elle. :(


How to Be the BEST Bitch You Can Be!

Insults are fun, and more often than not the imagery they portray is better than the look on the face of the person on the receiving end. While it is important to act maturely, and keep your snide comments and snarky quips to the bare minimum, the truth is that some people need to be knocked down a notch once in a great while. When you become a blogger, you do one of two things. You either learn to embrace the insults thrown your way and find some sort of constructive criticsm in them, or you freak out over anything that could be misconstrued in a negative light. Everyone has their own style, so I'm just going to let you in on a few of my secrets.

Remember, insults and bickering are unbecoming of a lady, if you are going to fight do it in pudding.

Feign Superiority.

When insulting someone that you really don't care for, always take the high ground, Cross your arms, roll your eyes, and basically do anything your momma would slap you for. Nothing is more infuriating than someone who laughs at you when you are serious, so laugh at your target. Moral superiority is bogus, but if you can act like you believe it, you will win. People get red hot, right quick when confronted with someone who thinks they are better than them. Take a moment to think of the last time you argued with someone. To really frustrate someone go ahead and feel superior, even if its totally fake.

Keep it short.

Short insults are better insults, plain and simple. Draw it out and your opponent may get glassy eyed. A simple up-front verbal kick to the nads is all it takes. Remind them you know what you are doing.

Speak Clearly.

Do not curse, the moment you use a curse word, you have lost all credibility. This is especially true when debating anything serious, religion, politics, and of course baby-makin. Cursing is a very lazy way to speak, and while I insist that curse words have their time and place, it shouldn't be while insulting someone. Insults are a time to display your vast vocabulary, dwarfing the other person if possible.

Pick your argument. Stick to it.

Even when you are wrong, it's best to just keep treading water. Commitment is a sign of confidence, even if it is artificial.

Hit em where it hurts.

Is it that pretty girl who keeps picking on you, the one you know has the subterranean self esteem? Go for the weak spots, and throw what you know. If someone shows weakness, they are asking to be defeated. Take it, it's yours.

Hot heads lose battles.

Whatever you do, whatever you do in a fight, DO NOT get pissed. The minute you lose your cool, your opponent wins. Getting emotional over an insult is ridiculous, step back and think about where you will be in five years, is this something that you are going to remember, or are you whining about your girlfriend borrowing your favorite sweater, again? If you are REALLY ready to unleash the beast, then go for it. But make sure you are really ready.

There ya go, some pointers to help you be a professional insult artist. But before I go, one more thing.....

Bitch slapping rules:
If your opponent plays the victim card (i.e. you make a cancer joke, and they respond with "My mom died of cancer.") and then continues to fight, 100% of the time, they're lying. If it's true, they will say something like "dude, my mom actually did die of cancer, chill out." THEN cease fire, at least unless you come back at them some more or they won't acknowledge it, because then that would give their opponent more power and ammunition.

Let's do an exercise, and purge all this negative energy from our systems!
Please do be so kind as to add your favorites to this list, since I always love a good come-back.

• You have a mind like a steel trap, anything that gets inside is crushed and mangled.
• You have the personality of a snail on valium.
• Yo momma's so fat Her blood type is Ragu.
• In the shopping mall of the mind, You are in the toy department

Bitches Out There, Hit me with your best shot and Share a story of verbal victory or something incredibly bitchy and insulting that you have uttered from those glossy lips.



This is me NAKED. I decided to write down a few things I felt were truly ME, 100% honest and although I may not like it, still remains true.

The one who will run through the snow barefoot, if need be, to get the last word in as a car pulls away.

The one who discusses philosophy with store clerks, and engages in childish antics with doctors, lawyers and educators.

I am that girl who has an elastic band on her wrist in every formal picture, just waiting for an opportunity to sweep her hair into a ponytail.

The one who can never smile for real in a photograph.

I am that girl who is far too opinionated for her own (or anyone's) good, who struggles every day to reserve her words for situations in which they will actually be helpful.

The one who has five hundred friends and no friends on any given day.

The one who is motivated by an inextricable conglomeration of love, guilt, peace and unrest.

I am that girl who makes enemies with the same words by which she makes friends, with others and with herself.

The one who can talk for five hours straight to a rediscovered friend, and who can't talk for five minutes straight with the God who never left her side.

The one whose balance tips precariously from blessing to cursing and back again within a single day.

I am that girl who knows herself inside and out, and has only yet begun to discover who she actually is.

The one who can convince herself and anyone else of anything, with an arsenal of words and an ounce of charisma.

The one who lives out assurance and fear with each breath, and declares freedom and bondage with each thought.


Men as Accessories

There are many social opportunities in a twenty something’s life during which it is fitting, even REQUIRED, to bring along a date. I have finally admitted to myself that at times, in these situations, I have employed men as an accessory to my ensemble, as my perceived facade for that evening.

Please do not attempt to argue that the man on your arm says as much about you to the rest of the room as your well thought out handbag. Walk with me on this one, *want a drink?* if I'm going to a friend's rock concert out in Brooklyn, I am not going to wear my Louis Vuitton monogram bag or bring a man that is dressed in buttoned up Ralph Lauren with a hint of Tommy Bahama cologne that only rich people like to smell. Rather, I'll opt for a retro vintage purse and man in tight jeans that hugs the booty perfectly and Converse sneakers for starters.

It’s not a sin. The greatest and most intriguing part of the fun of both fashion and dating is the ability to try new things: the funky chartreuse heels and the new mysterious dark haired boy.

This I believe is becoming especially true as men's interest in fashion has become more mainstream and relevant. It is important to consider his look and wardrobe and how it compliments your own.

All-American and Fresh, Wholesome, Pure, Romantic

Rocker/BadAss/Sexy - Trendy, I Do What I Want, F*#k You Confidence

White Trash (Just as there are fashion flops, there are man accessory flops).

Okay, so it doesn't look that great. But there are some women who can make a potato sack look sexy. Christina happens to be the kind of woman to be able to pull off her husband Jordan and still look sexy.

Brad is Pitt is the handbag equivalent of a one of a kind diamond studded white alligator Chanel bag with a white gold link strap. (Phew HOT)The ultimate accessory


Here's My IDEAL Lineup:

European Getaway Accessory

Baseball Game Accessory

Rock Concert Accessory

Night Club Accessory (Pre-Rihanna Beating)

Cozy Little Bistro Accesory

So what do you think -- is it absolutely terrible to at times consider men as accessories? Or it is simply a single girl having a little fun and considering her perceived fashion persona? Tell me about the man that was the best accessory to compliment your style thus far.

Oooh! And Give me your accessory lineup or let me know if you get hot and bothered when you see these cuties!


You Want Me to Put WHAT? Where?

In my quarter of a century living on this planet, I thought I'd heard just about everything that had to do with birth control and menstruation. Little did I know, there was something that disappeared years ago and is making a comeback - the menstrual cup.

This little contraption replaces tampons and those awful diapers we call pads. On a normal flow, it can last for 12 - count 'em twelve hours. The way it works is that you put it up inside you and it sits low so it doesn't touch your cervix. The cup forms a type of suction and collects all that nastiness. Apparently, during this whole process, you don't feel it at all. All for the low, low price of $35!

Personally, I'm a little skeptical, but I must say, I'm intrigued. The idea of never buying tampons, pads or anything ever again just by paying $35 once is very enticing.

Have any of you tried it? What do you think of it? Would you try it?


I Had An ELLE Moment

I was in the car with a group of my girl friends discussing sexual experiences when I looked down and realized my Blackberry had dialed the family I babysit for and had left a five minute voicemail.

Daddy at 13 Years Old

13 year old boy and 15 year old girl have a baby after "one" night of unprotected sex. the boy looks like a 6 yr old!!! Parents -put a fucking leash on your children so they don't create more little ones before puberty ends and before they can financially support it themselves.

Think about THAT while you're having sex tonight.

This is completely disturbing to me. Any thoughts?

Read about it HERE


Let's Talk About Sex

Here are some interesting/disturbing/titilating facts about S-E-X. Think you know it all? Use these for small-talk or to better strategize your love life!

What you Don’t Know about .... Porno.

- There are over 4.2 million porn websites in the world.

- In 1995 American Gary Kremen secured the rights for the domain He sold the rights in 2006 for 14 million dollars.

- People who regularly watch pornos find their partners in real life increasingly less sexy, regardless of how attractive they are. (Zillmann/Bryant)

The Truth About Men

- Three out of four men fantasize about their work colleagues. (Playboy)

- 72 percent of men get a complex when they see the good looking men on the cover pages of magazines.

- 73 percent of men are still potent at the age of 70.

- The internet site asked its readers whether, if it was legal, they would like to have two wives. 29 percent said yes.

- Only one in six men give their girlfriends or wives underwear.

- Men who help with housework have better sex. (Riverside University)

- One in twenty men has fallen asleep during sex. (FHM)

God Bless America!

- Amercians have the most sex, at 132 times a year. ( Durex)

- Sex lasts an average of 17.6 minutes for Americans.

- 16 percent of young Americans have had sex as an act of revenge.

The History of “Sexy Time”

- When the Egyptians destroyed Libya in the 13th century B.C. they took 13.230 penises of the conquered enemies as trophies

- A group of students were shown pictures of couples having sex. At the same time scientists recorded what part of the pictures the test subjects looked at first. The men more often looked at the women's faces, whereas the women tended to focus their attention on the genitals. Only women who were on the pill focused on the way the room was decorated. (Kinsey Institute)

- Around 100 B.C. in Babylon all women had to go to the temple of the Fertility Godess Mylitta to have sex with a stranger. Only then were the women allowed to marry. The stranger, in return, had to donate money to the temple. (The History of Prostitution)

- The first condoms were made from sheep intestines and other animal membranes.

Some Truths About the Ladies

- 41 percent of women have fantasized about having sex with two men at the same time. (Review of general psychology)

- The tip of the clitoris has about 8000 nerve endings - more than anywhere else on the human body. In comparison: A penis only has 4000. (Cosmpolitan)

- 90 percent of all women have faked an orgasm. (Charite)

- On average women have 11 bras in their drawer and 22 panties. (IMAS)

- Ninety percent of women would choose a hug over sex.

- Visuals are very important for men during sex. Emotions and touch are what count for women (Eli LIlly/Ipsos Sante)

- 31 percent of women think that men chould be a little rougher with them in bed. (GQ)

- Straight women get just as turned on watching two women having sex as by watching a man and a woman having sex.

- Three percent of women plan household chores while having sex. (TNS-Emnid/Lisa)

Other Facts & Figures

- Seven out of ten people kiss with their nose to the right.

- A few strange desires: Plushophilia = sexual attraction to soft toys. Dendrophilia = sexual attraction to trees. Staturphilia = sexual attraction to statues.

- The most condoms are sold in July and August. (The Book pf Sex Lists)

- A single sperm has to wiggle its tail 800 times to move forward one centimetre. (BZGA)

- A study in New Zealand revealed that young women with piercings (besides earrings) change sexual partners more often than other women. (University of Otago Medical School)

- Sexsomnia is the term US scientists use for people who perform sexual activities unconciously during sleep. The spectrum ranges from masturbation to sexual intercourse - in the event that the sexsomnia patient comes across a partner.

- About 80 percent of the sexsomnia cases occur with men. (Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine)

- In an international survey Germans ranked as the worst lovers in the world becuase they only think about their own pleasure in bed. Also not too popular were Turks (too sweaty), Swedes (too quick), Dutch (too rough), Americans (too dominating), British (too fat) and Russians (too hairy). The winners, again, were the Italians.

- People have a tendency to choose partners whose body fat percentage is similar to their own. (Rowett Research Institute)

- Certain foods are said to be good for boosting ones sex life: lean meat, oysters, grains, wheat, seafood.

- Men have about nine erections during a night's sleep - regardless of what they dream.

- Sexual intercourse takes place about 2778 times around the world every 5 seconds.

See, now that you visited my blog, even if you didn't enjoy it, you can say you at least learned something!



Tag: The Handbag Game

Rosemarie Tagged ME!!! I'll be a good girl and keep the LABEL LOVE goin!

The Rules:

1) Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying as of late. No, you cannot go up to your closet and pull out that cute little purse that's your fav. We want to know what you carried today or the last time you left the house. No cheating!
2) List how much it cost. And this is not to judge. :) This is for entertainment purposes only. So spill it. And if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, we’d love to hear it.
3) Tag some chicks. And link back to this post so people know why the heck you’re showing everyone your bag.

My Balenciaga (on MY comfy reading/drinking/laughing/etc. chair that I love to pieces), compliments of an ex boyfriend that was - well - at least had good taste in handbags. I am unaware of its' sale price, and like not knowing. I use him everyday and he is a bottomless Mary Poppins of a bag! Luckily I just cleaned out the crap from my bag, and this photo looks like I supposedly have my life organized along with the contents of my purse. NOT! But there you have it.

Now with a pat on the booty
, I pass this on to:

Marissa - (Visit Her Blog)


Lulu - (Visit Her Blog)


Note From Elle:

Thought this was funny! I should have included it before!

Lolita: Is that a doughnut keychain or something?

Elle:YES! It's a Betsey Johnson keychain!! The other side is pink with flowers and glitter! So tacky but so delicious! My cousin gave it to me, a running joke in the family because I am a chocolate frosted donut fiend! I'll give a cop a run for their money any day in a donut eating contest. And donuts with coffee? Fugghetaboutit!! So yes, I carry around a plastic donut on my keys! It makes me ME!

Balenciaga Love & Donut Flavored Kisses,


You Jump, I Jump

One thing you should probably know about me is that I am ridiculously obsessed with the movie Titanic. I don't have cable, and I've only got about 20 movies in my apartment, and Titanic is one of them, so suffice to say, it's on a lot. Often, if there's nothing else going on, I'll just put it on and let it play in the background while I cook, or clean, or do homework. It's on right now. If you're reading this and for some reason, you've never seen the film, stop reading, go and watch it, and then come back.

Aside from the fact that Kate Winslet is one of my favorite actresses of all time, I just love the story. It's all just really beautiful, incredibly touching, and unbearably sad. I can never get through the whole film without crying because there are just so many beautiful, and heartbreaking moments. I love the romantic notion of caring about someone as much as Jack and Rose care about each other. I love the kind of people that they are. I admire their courage.

Quite possibly my favorite moment in the entire film comes towards the end, when Jack and Cal have convinced Rose to get into a lifeboat, and the boat is being lowered into the water. Rose is in the boat, she's safe. She'll survive, and she'll be okay. But that's not good enough. Surviving is not good enough. Instead of staying where she knows she'll be safe, she risks everything. She gets up, and she jumps from the lifeboat, from safety, from the closest thing she's got to a guarantee of surviving. She jumps back onto the sinking ship.

And I cry every single time I watch her do it.

I cry because it's romantic. I cry because it's tragic. And I cry because she's right; surviving is not good enough.

Life is not about surviving. Life is about living. And sometimes living means jumping out of your lifeboat, and doing something that is a genuinely stupid idea. I have spent my whole life sitting in that lifeboat looking back at chances I wish I had taken fade away. I have chosen to protect myself, and so I have sat there in that lifeboat, safe, secure, and alone. And you know what? I'll survive if I don't jump. I'll be okay. But you know what else?

Jumping out of that lifeboat might just be the best thing I ever did for myself.

I'm not saying that we should all run around and do things that are dangerous and reckless - that's not what I mean at all. What I mean is that sometimes, we have to give up the guarantee at surviving to have a chance at living. We all have the ability to go through life safely. We can take fewer risks, and we can get through relatively unscathed. We can get in the lifeboat, with the hopes that we'll never be hurt, or we can jump, accepting the fact that we will be hurt, and deciding that maybe there's something else that is more important.

It reminds me of a line from the movie Hitch. I forget the exact words, but it's something along the lines of "That's what people do - they jump, and hope they can fly, because if they can't, they fall the whole way down thinking 'Why in the hell did I jump?'"

I didn't jump because I thought it was a smart idea. I didn't jump because I thought it would keep me safe. I jumped because I'd rather know happiness for a little while, and deal with the pain when it comes. I jumped because from where I'm standing, it's worth it. And I am willing to accept the fact that someday, I might be the one wondering why the hell I jumped.

Can you think of a time when you jumped out of your metaphorical lifeboat? Do you tend to play it safe, or are you more of a risk-taker? Do you think we should play it safe more often, or do you think we should take more chances?
Love and Kisses,

Quilted Chan-Elle Bag

My Brain Quilt! Before I go to bed I figured I'd dump my final thoughts/ideas/feelings on you. A picture is worth a thousand words. (Feel free to use the graphics below.)