
I Had An ELLE Moment

I was in the car with a group of my girl friends discussing sexual experiences when I looked down and realized my Blackberry had dialed the family I babysit for and had left a five minute voicemail.


CIP said...

Are you serious?!?!?! That is SO embarrassing!

Ellen. said...

ooh, bad luck

Anonymous said...

OMG. When I had a bb I forced myself to get in the habit of locking the keypad.

The Fabulous Life of a Southern Belle said...


Lisa said...

THAT is funny... :)

NYStateBeauty said...

Nice one! Lets hope they don't listen to their voicemail so you're not out of a job!

Charis said...

Holy craza! That sucks. And is awesome. You poor thing.

Kate said...

NO! You have got to be joking....I am so sorry!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, Oh myyy! I've done things like that before, too... :) so you're not alone.

Mina Slater said...

OMG, how funny. That is something I would do, I'm such a goof. I would have been laughing so hard after I found out. Hopefully they won't pay attention to the call back number to realize that it was you.