
You paid what for those shoes?@!#^

Divine Intervention Ladies! Holy Manolo, I had an amazing day today. Why? I have no idea. I have been in this friggen rut, always concerning myself with my next 'man move', or what is the ex doing right now - that I haven't lived 24 hours just for me. JUST ME, All me, "Sorry can't help you it's Elle-Day, didjya get the memo? Ciao!"

I wanna play a little game of truth or dare. Only you have to pick dare, and PLEASE believe me it will be so worth it.

Step 1: Pick a day that you know involves no commitments, appointments, plans, whatever! And if you don't remember what a day without SOMETHING dire occupying all of your energey is like (I am deeply sorry for the amount of responsibility on your shoulders, still try it!!!)

Step 2: Love the shit out of yourself. I swear I'm done feeling stressed out! Booooooo! Whiners = Lame! Suck it up, it is YOUR life and rock the hell out of it.

Step 3: Reflect.

I arose in a sun beam, the scent of my scented candles still lurking amongst the air, in the cleanest, most white tshirt and panties with a smile on my face, ready to kick the morning's ass really hard.

(What Actually Happened - I woke up sleeping on my cell phone with a miserable back ache and let's just say I had the bed head of a young college slut *graphic?* sorry)

But hey, TODAY IS ELLE-DAY! HOOOOOOORAY! The crick in my back (I feel old!) will only help me to have that 'Beyonce swag'. SERIOUSLY. Limping can be sexy girls, it's all about how you work it!!

At lunch, what did I do? BYE GUYS- I have things. LOL Treated myself to the freshest most delicious veggie sushi and bought a pair of... drum roll please!! ....


My name is Elle and I can't afford them. But ...
I bought them.

Why, because today is Elle's day.

(The leisure in my tone and the state of my mind's sanity is very calm. I cannot promise I will be so calm tomorrow.)

So before I do something crazy, I need MANOLO SUPPORT! Calling all shoe lovers! Please, pat my back and tell me it's going to be okay. It was worth it, don't cry when you get your bank statement.

I need.... The Stiletto Mafia.


DietCokeStraightUp said...

YOU GOT THOSE FABULOUS SHOES!??! You will get a high five and a hug from me honey!! I always believe in pampering my fabulous feet with shoes. So it will be okay, you will wear those shoes for the rest of your life and they are classic. Who cares what the price was!! (I'm not the best shopping influence...sorry!)

DietCokeStraightUp said...

PS....OMG they are sequin....I might have to get them myself

The Fabulous Life of a Southern Belle said...

First of all this is probably the best post exsisting in the blogsphere. Second of all, you can't take that money you spent on the shoes with you to heaven, ok? But when you go girl, you're going in style with those babies!

Anonymous said...

those are freaking fantastic

Chanel Fashionista said...

oh good for you!!!! i need to have one of those!!

Adlibby said...

Wow! Those are freakin' fantastic! (Then suddenly she realized that all she had in her closet were the footwear equivalent of mom-jeans, and suddenly she felt the need to eat ANOTHER box of Thin Mints.)

Andhari said...

ha! the fact that youre also into manolo blahnik making me sure that ill so totally love your blog :P

CIP said...

AHH! You are so fabulous and I adore those shows!

Awesome idea to treat yourself :)

David Stehle said...

Those are sexy shoes. Good pick!

Karie said...

I'm a liiiittle on the jealous side!

Anonymous said...

So so pretty. Will you be prepared to loan them to me? I swear I'll look after them.....?

-Miss Em x

Milltini said...

I LOVE them....happy Elle day! Good for you girl. This is exactly how I acquired my fine collection of expensive footwear..."Milltini" days = hello Loubitons! Unfortunately, I have had more "Milltini" days than my sad little credit card can handle.

Love your blog! Are you sure we aren't friends in "real" life? Ha!

Elle said...

Thank you thank you thank you for all your love! It wasn't necessarily a well thought out purchase, but I swear they huge my meta-tarsals and phalanges like a friggen GLOVE!!!!

Love love love you all!

And I am a digital artist, so most of my pictures I create on Photoshop or Carrera 3D. If anyone needs help with layouts contact me at elledenato@yahoo.com!!

I'd be more than happy to help & you are more than welcome to use my graphics!

The Porters said...

Beautiful shoes!! I'm jealous...maybe I should go buy a pair! ;)

Adlibby said...

Hey -- I gave you a much deserved award! Your blog rocks! Go grab it and wear it proudly with your new shoes!

Hepburn Hilton said...

They are beautiful!!!

Larissa said...

When I read this I admit I laughed. This entry really made my day! you are so funny. Love the shoes- im glad you bought them. Who cares if you couldnt afford them- live in the moment! lol! I think its time for me to have a special me-day. thanks for the reminder!

Mommy In Pink said...

you GO girl! i love me days, i need more of them!

Snickerdoodle Champagne said...

I don't have any Manolos but I LOVE shoes and can totally feel you! "ME" days are definitely a necessity!

jlc said...

I HEART this post especially Number 2!!!

You're so right. What a cute lil blog you've got here!! :)

sonya said...

Those shoes are HAWT! Get it girl..:)